Visist for a current portfolio brief: https://adobe.ly/3ZiqT79

Advertorial feature sponsored for Loreal, published in Scientific American

Design of Unicef UK Annual Review, 160-page print and interactive online versions

Scientific illustration for Nature Spinoff Prize 2024

Infographic article for esteemed Nature supplement, Nature Outline

Illustrations for the newly rebranded A+L charity

Detailed graphics for an article on smell and parosmia

Implementation of rebranding for GST Specialist Care Trust.

Logo/brand creation for a UK tech start-up

Infographic figure on CAR-T therapy for Scientific American - custom media

Graphics developed for Nature Outline on kidney injury, causes and treatments

A selection of pharmaceutical infographics showing pathologies and treatments for The Pharmaceutical Journal 2022-23

Brand/logo/iconography development for a UK eco tech company

Figures spanning a range of subjects, developed for Nature Review journals

Brand identity creation, logo development and branding implementation to award-winning small business

Infographics for an article on molecular farming, featured in The Pharmaceutical Journal

Graphic feature on the development of mRNA technology

Infographics for Nature Outlook "Spinoff Prize 2023"

A graphic article on the development of microneedles, designed and produced for The Pharmaceutical Journal

"101" article on single heart defects, for Nature.

Infographics documenting SARS-CoV-2 variants, for The Royal Pharmaceutical Society online

Graphic feature explaining COVID-19 vaccine development for The Pharmaceutical Journal

Cover feature article produced for the Pharmaceutical Journal on Covid-19 vaccine development

A graphic feature on safe use of medicine in children, for the Royal Pharmaceutical Society

Graphic feature on Covid-19 pathology and drug targets, for the Royal Pharmaceutical Society

Rebranding project with RPS. Having had the new brand identity drawn up in principle, I was tasked with bringing it to life – finessing and implementing it across all media, from exhibition design to print and digital templates. Creating a detailed brand book, covering all aspects of using the new brand identity, preparing and presenting an introduction/walk-through of the new brand to management across the company and their partners.

A visual guide to headache, for the Pharmaceutical Journal

An infographic article on indigestion for the Royal Pharmaceutical Society

Graphic article on vaccines for Nature Magazine and Scientific American

Design and layout of a print and digital interactive handbook for Unicef UK groups. Design was to be strong and authoritative but personable and encouraging.

Graphic article on antibiotic resistance for The Royal Pharmaceutical Society

Infographic advertorials for Illumina, to appear in Nature

infographic feature for Nature on vaccines.

A brand book created for Unicef, giving an introduction to the aims and the usage of the updated branding.

Infographic article on measles, for the Pharmaceutical Journal

Infographic advertorial for Dana Faber Cancer Institute

Comprehensive and acclaimed report document created for King Abdulaziz City for Science & Technology. Creatively visualising the performance of Saudi Arabia in the science and technology world.

Promotion advert for Illumina, a biotech company in San Diego. Produced with Nature Research Custom Media.

Editorial feature studying dry eye disease for RPS.

Activity pack designed for Unicef, influencing young people.

Study of reducing dosage of PVC vaccines, for Pfizer.

Research poster on the PCV vaccine for Pfizer.

Graphic feature created for Nature Magazine.

Implementation of a brand update across various media for Macmillan Cancer Support.

In depth study of influenza virus for RPS.

Graphic feature created for Nature Magazine on retinal stem cell research.

Branding for Sustrans localised projects.

Branding for Sustrans localised projects.

Print and digital infographic for the Pharmaceutical Journal, detailing research in understanding osteoporosis.

HIV mechanisms infographic for RPS.

Graphic feature for Pharmaceutical Journal on current research into HepC treatments.

Infographic charting the make up of the worldwide pharmaceutical workforce, for RPS.

Advertorial promotion for Abbott Healthcare, produced with NRCM.

Graphic feature for RPS on mechanisms and treatment of RA.

A collection of published experimental editorial design.

Infographic feature charting global smoking trends for the Pharmaceutical Journal.

Promotional learning infographics for Bio-Rad Laboratories, a biotech company in silicone valley. Produced with NRCM.

Infographic feature for the Pharmaceutical Journal on the emergency of Zika virus.

Special graphic feature on liver fibrosis, for a Nature magazine supplement.

Collection of presentation graphics designed for Cello Health agency.

Award-winning graphic feature on Ebola, published by the Pharmaceutical Journal.

Analysis on research into Alzheimer's, produced for the RPS.

Scientific illustration for AbCam.

Graphic feature for Nature on antibiotic resistance.

Personal typographic illustrations.

Graphic editorial feature on bees, for a Nature magazine supplement.

Infographic feature for Nature Outlooks on breast cancer research.

Campaign design for Concern Worldwide.

Editorial feature on medicinal cannabis for Nature Outlook.

Personal typographic illustrations.

Data visualisation for Nature Index.

Infographic feature on cardiovascular disease, for Nature magazine.

Advertorial graphics, produced for Danone.

Learning materials produced for Johnson & Johnson.

Editorial design for a special feature on epilepsy, published in Nature magazine.

interactive e-learning documents designed for Benylin.

Nature Outlook graphic feature on HPV.

Personal typographic illustrations.

Infographics for a feature on lung cancer, by Nature magazine.

Designs for "Contacts", the entertainment industry guide.

Graphic feature for Nature Outlook on malaria.

Designs for the new Nature publishing project, Nature Index.

Designs for a new Nature publishing project, The Careers Guides.

Designs for the new Nature publishing project, Nature Index.

Graphic feature on sleep research, published by Nature.

Campaign design for Amnesty International.

Nature Outlook special on tuberculosis.

Personal typographic illustrations.

Campaign design for Action Aid.

Graphic feature for Nature magazine on the spine.

Designs for the new Nature publishing project, Nature Index.

Branding design for Amensty International's Secret Policeman's Ball.
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